Full text of the speech by Alexey Navalny

02 February 2021

Full text of the speech by Alexey Navalny

I would like to start with a discussion of a legal issue, which seems to me to be the main one and a bit overlooked from this discussion. Because everything looks a little strange. You know, there are two sitting here, and one of them says: "Let's put Navalny in prison because he was not on Mondays, but on Thursdays." The second one says: "Let's put Navalny in jail because, coming out of a coma, he did not immediately come to our inspection." And this discussion is going on, they discuss Mondays, Thursdays, when who was supposed to send which piece of paper, and so on. But I would like to say a few words about such a small elephant in this room. I would like everyone to pay attention again, all the press that writes about this process, all people paid attention to the fact that the essence of the matter is to put me in jail in a case in which I have already been found not guilty. And in the case, which has already been recognized as fabricated. This is not my opinion. Because if we open any textbook on criminal law - I hope, Your Honor, you have done this a couple of times in your life - you will see that the ECHR is a part of the Russian judicial system, including, since Russia is a member of the Council of Europe. And these decisions are required. And I, having gone through all the necessary stages of the trial, turned to the European Court. The European Court issued a judgment in which it wrote in black and white that there was not even corpus delicti. Accordingly, the case on which I am here for some reason, in this strange cage, is completely fabricated. 

Moreover, the Russian Federation generally acknowledged this decision, in half. I was even given compensation in this case, thereby recognizing the decision of the ECHR. Despite this, my brother spent three and a half years in prison in this case, which, once again, was recognized as a fabricated court decision, which is mandatory here in Russia. I spent a year under house arrest in this case. When my probationary period ended, I was arrested a week earlier, brought to the Simonovsky court and without defense, having forced some attorney on assignment, extended the probationary period for another year. 

Let's get some math. In 2014, they convicted me, gave me three and a half years, and gave me a probationary period. And now it is 2021, they still continue to judge me in this case. I have already been declared innocent in this case, and there is no corpus delicti in this case, and anyway, with the stubbornness of a maniac, our state demands to be imprisoned in this case. Why in this case? Well, in fact, already something, but there are definitely no shortcomings of criminal cases against me, yes. Another one was launched quite recently. Nevertheless, someone really wanted me to take a single step across the territory of our country, returning as a free person. Therefore, from the moment I crossed the border, I was a prisoner. 

And we know to whom, we know why it happened. The reason for this is all the hatred and fear of one person living in the bunker, because I inflicted a mortal offense on him by the fact that I simply survived after they tried to kill me on his orders.

The prosecutor is trying to reprimand Navalny.

I don't need your comments. Your Honor! Again! Will this prosecutor interfere with me now to speak his attitude to everything that happens?

I speak by presentation. This is my opinion, and I express my opinion on the presentation in full accordance with the law.And the fact that the representative of the prosecution is trying to interrupt me, shut my mouth at every word, also perfectly characterizes everything that is happening here.

Well, let's continue. I am mortally hurt that I have survived thanks to good people - pilots and doctors. Then I offended him even more by the fact that I survived - I did not hide, living somewhere under guard or in some smaller bunker that I could afford. And then something terrible happened. Not only did I survive, that I was not scared, I did not hide, I also participated in the investigation of my own poisoning. And we showed and proved that it was Putin who, using the Federal Security Service, carried out this attempted murder. And I was not the only one. Now they know it, and many will find out. 

And this is what drives the little thieving man in his bunker crazy. It is this fact that everything was revealed. There are no ratings, there is no huge support, none of that. Because it turned out that in order to cope with a political opponent who has no television or a political party, you just need to try to kill him with chemical weapons. And, of course, he goes crazy for it. Because everyone was convinced that he was just an official who was randomly put to the presidency, who never participated in any debates or elections. And this is the only means of struggle - to try to kill people. 

No matter how much he pretends to be a great geopolitician, a great world leader, his main resentment towards me is that he will go down in history precisely as a poisoner. You know, there was Alexander the Liberator or Yaroslav the Wise, and we will have Vladimir the Poisoner of Trusov - this is how he will go down in history.

And this is direct, Your Honor, this has a direct bearing on - I am standing here in this place, and the police are already guarding me, the National Guard has appeared, half of Moscow is cordoned off precisely because the little man in the bunker is going crazy from what we have proved and showed that he is not engaged in geopolitics, but is holding a meeting at which he decides that he demands to steal cowards from opponents and smear them with chemical weapons.

The main thing in this process is not even how it will end for me: will they put me in jail or not jail - in general, it is not difficult to jail me in this or any other case. The main reason for this is to intimidate a huge number of people. This is how it works. We plant one to frighten millions.

We have 20 million people below the poverty line, we have tens of millions of people who live without the slightest prospects. We have tens of millions of people who belong to those we talk about every day. In Moscow, life is even more or less, and if you drive away 100 kilometers - there are generally full of seams. And here you have the whole country living in this seam, not having the slightest prospects, receiving 20 thousand rubles, and they are all silent, and they are trying to shut them up with just such demonstration processes. Plant this one to scare millions. Someone went out into the street - to plant five more people in order to frighten 15 million. And the main thing I want to say. This process, I really hope, will not be perceived by people as a signal that they should be more afraid. It's not true that this is a demonstration of strength - that's all, Rosgvardia, this cage. This is a demonstration of weakness, just weakness. And millions and hundreds of thousands cannot be planted. And I really hope that people will become more and more aware of this. And when they realize, and such a moment comes, all this will crumble. Because you will not put the whole country in jail, because all these people who have been deprived of prospects, deprived of the future, who live in the richest country and receive zero from national wealth, everyone else gets zero, we only grow by the number of billionaires in the world, everything else falls ... I sit in my cell and hear reports about how the price of butter has risen, the price of pasta has risen, the price of eggs has risen. 2021, the country is an exporter of oil and gas. Our whole country says that pasta has risen in price and we can no longer live. And now you have deprived these people of prospects, and you are trying to intimidate these people. I urge everyone not to be afraid! All this power is founded ... 

- (judge) Let's get back to the view.

Navalny: I'm already right there, I'm right in the central part of it.

- You didn't say anything about the show. Your attitude to representation, not politics.

Navalny: Everything I say, your honor, look, listen ... You say that ...

- Let's get back to the process.

Navalny: ... I didn't say anything about the show. That's all - the show is. And all I say is my attitude to the performance that you put on. Let me go directly to the presentation.

So, it happens when lawlessness and arbitrariness are the essence of the political system. And this is awful. But it happens even worse when lawlessness and arbitrariness put on the uniform of a prosecutor or a judicial robe. And in this case, it is the duty of every person not to obey the laws that are dressed in these robes. What is behind you and within you is arbitrariness and lawlessness. And the duty of every person is not to obey you, not to obey such laws.

- Now you are calling, and not giving your position on the submission.

Navalny: I call on absolutely everyone ...

- We are not having a meeting now, let's get back to the performance, I ask you.

Navalny: We are not having a rally, we are having my speech. I'm back, Your Honor.

- You do not give your position on presentation, but tell ...

Navalny: Everything will be very good. I returned to our presentation, I am talking exactly about our presentation.

- You didn't say your position.

Navalny: You are now stopping me from talking, let's take turns at least.

- Because let's not get involved in politics.

Navalny: I express my opinion. 

- Tell me your opinion about ...

Navalny: I have formed an opinion about this idea, so I am expressing it to you. I have no other opinion, and please listen to me. Once again I want to say that when arbitrariness and lawlessness put on your uniforms and pretend to be the law, then the duty of every honest person is not to obey you and fight with you with all his might. And I fight as best I can. And I will continue to do so. Despite the fact that now, given that, of course, I was completely under the control of these people who love to smear everything with chemical weapons, probably no one will give even three kopecks for my life, but, nevertheless, even now, even from my place, I say that I will fight you, and I urge everyone else not to be afraid of you and to do everything so that the law, and not the mummers in uniforms and robes, triumph. And I salute all those who are struggling and who are not afraid, all honest people. I greet and thank the FBK employees who are now under arrest, and everyone else throughout the country who is not afraid and take to the streets, because they have the same rights as you. Because our country belongs to them to the same extent as it belongs to you and to everyone else. We are the same citizens, and we demand normal justice, a normal attitude towards us, participation in elections, participation in the distribution of national wealth. Yes, we demand all this! And I want to say that if there is ... There are a lot of good things in Russia now, and the best thing is the very people who are not afraid, who do not lower their eyes, who do not look at the table, and who will never give our country to a handful corrupt officials who decided to exchange our homeland for their palaces, vineyards and aquadiskotheques. And I demand ...

- Your opinion on the submission.

Navalny: I think ... I finished already. My opinion is that I demand immediate release, immediate freedom for myself and for other arrested persons. I do not recognize this whole idea, it is completely false, it does not comply with the law. And I demand my immediate release. Thanks!
