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7 Animals to Identify by Their Characteristic Poop

Here is how to identify 7 animals from their very characteristic droppings.

Something of a coprophile we see? Well, you've come to the right place traveler. 

Here we explore some of the most interesting and characteristic animal poops from around the world. But before you read on, please note that we have included videos and images of real-life animal poos

If that sounds too disgusting to look at or watch, then please click off now. For everyone else enjoy and happy poo-hunting!
What do you call animal poop?

There are actually a wide variety of terms used for animal poop. This will vary from location to location and between professions. 

For scientists, the technical term is feces, for example. Other common terms include dung, excrement, animal droppings, spoor, and scat (though usually for carnivores only -- though not always).

Farmers will also tend to refer to cow or chicken poo specifically as manure. As you are probably aware such droppings tend to be used as fertilizer. 

Human poo tends to be called stool by medical professionals -- though we are confident you have an entire lexicon of slang or swear words for it too. 
Which animal produces the biggest poops?

So, which animal drops the largest poop? An elephant? A giraffe? A hippo?

Actually it is none of these. The largest animal poop in the natural world belongs to that of the blue whale.

Each bowel movement of these enormous, magnificent creatures can be in excess of several hundred liters of excrement at a time!

"The blue whale is the largest animal on the planet. Its poo is described as smelling like a dog's, with the consistency of bread crumbs. A blue whale can excrete up to 200 liters of poo in one bowel movement."

Are there any animals that don't poop?

As a matter of fact yes there are: 
Tardigrades - These little alien-like critters only excrete when they molt. So any "fecal" matter produced it not really pooped out as we would really describe it.
Demodex mites (face mites) - These little stowaways lack any form of an anus. They simply store up any and all waste in special large cells in their intestines. This waste is stored for their entire life until they eventually die.
Jellyfish - Jellyfish is yet another animal that lacks an anus. Though they do excrete waste, they don't technically poop like most animals.
How do you identify animals from their poop?

So, without further ado, here is how to identify 7 animals from their poop. Given the enormous diversity of animals in the world, trust us when we say this list is far from exhaustive.

It is also, funnily enough, in no particular order -- it would seem a bit odd to rank animal poo. Perhaps that's just us?

1. Deer droppings are pretty characteristic
